Monday, August 10, 2009


Well I am finally back in the states and it is great. The last week was so great that I really was sad to leave. I was so excited to come back home and see my family that I did not think I would be so sad to leave and say bye to everyone. The last week went by so fast. We pretty much spent the time hanging out and saying our goodbyes to all the people we met in China. I knew it would be sad to say goodbye to the people in the program that I had met but I did not think it would be that bad saying goodbye to my lab. Not only did I learn a lot about research and science but also I learned a lot about China from my lab. It was truly sad to say goodbye to the grad students.

When we had to say goodbye to everyone in the program the morning we were leaving we were all truly sad. During the last 2 ½ months we had all become so close it was hard to believe that we were all going our separate ways now. We took pride in the fact that when we went around China we could all say that we were Americans, like we were all part of the same group, now we realize that even though we are all Americans we live so far away from each other. There is truly something special about being in a foreign country with people from the same country as you, it binds you in a way that I can never imagine and I am sad that it has finally come to an end. However, like they say, all truly great things must come to an end, I am just happy that I got to experience this. All in all I was excited to come back to the US and see my family and get ready to move into my dorm.

The first day I got back I was really happy because I finally got to see my family but after the first day it all wore off and now I want to be back in China. This truly was a rewarding experience. Not only have I learned so much about research and discovered new things that I hope to take back with me to my lab in Ann Arbor but I have learned more about myself and the person I want to be and for that I am truly grateful!