Thursday, June 11, 2009

And so it begins...

VACATION IS OFFICIALLY OVER! Today was the first non-vacation day I have had in a while. I really did not think that the vacation part of our trip would go by so fast, I only hope that the research aspect goes by just as fast. Anyways, after meeting everyone in the lab I have pretty much narrowed down my research topic and decided on who I hope to work with in the lab. I am really excited to get started especially since I have spent so much time not even thinking about anything academic it is about time I started-although I am pretty sure I will be regretting that statement in a couple of days. All in all my day was pretty much a "relaxed work day"; language class in the morning went by a little slowly and then I had lab meeting. I have been to many lab meetings back home in Michigan however, this lab meeting was one of the longest ones ever. Everyone's presentation was meant to take 5 minutes, which of course did not happen. The best part about the whole thing was that they all had to present in english because of the three american undergrads in lab, which I am sure they were not too happy about but they did pretty well. I could not imagine having to present information about my research in a another language; that really takes a lot of confidence they definitely get credit for that in my book.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,
    it is great to see you are keeping up with the postings. we love to hear from you. how is your chinese coming along? love from MI
